$97.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Pinterest Marketing Magic 2.0

➝ Looking for the pay in full option? Click HERE!


✔️ Identify Your Pinterest Objective and Sales Plan (Value $397)
✔️ Research and Keywords (Value $997)
✔️ Pinterest Account Setup (Value $997)
✔️ Optimization 101 (Value $997)
✔️ Strategy Creation and Implementation (Value $997)
✔️ Data Analysis and Scaling (Value $997)
✔️ Pinterest Optimization Checklist (Value $27)
✔️ BONUS: Pinterest Workbook (Value $197) 
✔️ BONUS: Airtable Tutorial (Value $27)
✔️ BONUS: Airtable Templates (Value $47)
✔️ BONUS: Tailwind Tutorial (Value $47) 
✔️ BONUS: Scheduling Natively on Pinterest (Value $27)
✔️ BONUS: Pinterest Mythbusters (Value $47)
✔️ BONUS: Repurposing Social Media Content (Value $47)
✔️ BONUS: Canva Templates (Value $97)

✔️BONUS: Group Coaching with Emilee (Value $997) - When you join Pinterest Marketing Magic during this live launch, you'll also be invited to a group coaching call with Emilee. During this call, you'll be able to get support, feedback, review images/keywords/strategy, pick my brain, and more!

Total Value = $7,239


Today's Price = 6 monthly payments of $97

You'll be backed by a 30-day guarantee. If you aren’t 100% satisfied with this course, you’ve gone through all the modules, can provide screenshots of your work, I will fully refund you.

Please Note: By purchasing this program, you will be subscribed to our email list so you don't miss important course announcements. You may unsubscribe at any time.


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